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How to Apply

  1. If yet to, firstly open a personal transactional Kina account or business account with us as it is a prerequisite.
  2. Seek Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG) approval for the FCA opening. You will need to complete the BPNG BOP Form V1, and to justify your need for an FCA. There may be additional document(s) requested by BPNG, depending on the purpose of the account. For example, contracts or cash-flow forecasts
  3. After BPNG approval, our usual account opening (for this FCA) process will kick in
  4. Enquire here or visit your nearest branch today.

    Important Information

    FCA Opening is subject to BPNG Foreign Exchange Manual (September 2007) i.e. BPNG FE Notice 11, and prior BPNG Approval.