Executive General Manager Banking & PNG Country Head, Lesieli Taviri, says ‘’We at Kina Bank will continue to navigate through the uncertainties and challenges presented by COVID-19 to provide much needed essential services and support to our customers and clients.
We recognise the important work of the Susu Mamas and we at Kina Bank feel that our assistance in this cause will continue to change, impact, and save lives of women and children in the communities they live in. Our staff access your services and it’s important we help you to help our people’’.
Chair of the fund-raising committee of Susu Mamas, Lata Milner, is grateful that this assistance will go a long way for Susu Mamas.
‘’With an increase in the number of people attending the clinics since the COVID-19 pandemic started, staff numbers have had to be increased from 50 to 150. Now we desperately need funding to be able to continue to provide these much-needed services. Funding cuts and policy change has affected our operations as attention was shifted to covid19’’.
On behalf of Susu Mamas, our mothers, young children and family, I’d really like to express our gratitude to Kina Bank for supporting us in a very enormous way. I can’t tell you how fabulous this is and how many lives will have changed and for Kina Bank to support us is fantastic and I’m very supportive as it means a lot to us,’’ says Lata Milner.
Susu Mamas PNG has been providing free primary health care services to communities in seven provinces for the past 30 years.
This includes adult and paediatric health care, HIV and sexual reproductive healthcare, family planning, maternal and child health (immunisation and nutrition screening) and COVID-19 vaccines.