Our Boroko Branch will close on Friday, 29th of September, 2023.
To help prepare for this closure and what it will mean for your banking, please continue reading.
Why is the Branch closing?
To implement our Branch Remodelling and Expansion Strategy. This will provide customers with new and more convenient ways of banking. The strategy will be implemented across Kina Bank over the next three years. The closure also reinforces our Digital Strategy to establish a number of Digital Banking Hubs in Port Moresby.
Will the branch re-open after the closure?
No, the branch is closing permanently.
Will the ATM machine that is currently located at the Boroko Branch be removed as a result of the closure?
Is Kina Bank installing more ATMs within the Boroko precinct now that the branch will close?
Yes, we currently have one ATM at Total Service Station and plans are underway to have a few more soon.
I have an existing account with the Boroko Branch. Will my account details and BSB change as a result of the closure?
No, your account and branch details including the BSB number will remain unchanged.
I have an existing loan with the Boroko Branch, will my loan details change or move to another branch?
No, your existing loan account details will remain the same.
I have an existing account with the Boroko Branch, can I still use another branch to do my banking?
Yes, you can still conduct banking at our other branches located at Downtown Port Moresby, the Islander and Cameron Road branches at Waigani, the Vision City Branch, and the Jacksons Airport Branch.
If I have a query I need to raise with the bank, can I visit the other branches in the city to do that?
It’s not necessary to visit another branch because you can register your query online via the Kina website! Select ‘Contact Us’ and complete the e-form with the details of your query. Once the e-form is completed and submitted, our Support Team will contact you to help resolve your query.
Is there any other way I can do my banking instead of going to the branch?
Yes, you can use our digital channels. They are fast, efficient and will let you fulfil your banking needs from the comfort of your office, home or on the move both locally and overseas.
Please talk to our branch staff to register and access our digital platforms. Or, you may contact our Call Centre on Kina@kinabank.com.pg who can assist you too. You may register for:
- Personal Online Banking (Internet banking for individual)
- Kina Konnect (mobile phone banking)
- WhatsApp Banking
- Corporate Online Banking (internet banking for business)